Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Conscience of Queen Gertrude in Shakespeares...

The Conscience of the Queen William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is perhaps one of his most intriguing and scandalous pieces of work. One character who is liable for much of this excitement and outrage is Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude. To some readers and critics, Gertrude is conceived as an erratic, superficial and sensual woman. Others discern the Queen as an earnest, intellectual and sagacious woman whose tragic fault is her yearning for sexual satisfaction. Throughout the text, there are several legitimate arguments for both sides, but in the end, Hamlet seems to sum up the Queen’s true persona with the words â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman†. Evidence of Gertrude’s true nature can be found in many instances through out the play such†¦show more content†¦Hamlet’s conflict with Gertrude is a main part of this play. A few characters in this play give insight on Gertrude that point in the direction of her being shallow and evil . One example is late in the first act when Hamlet cries â€Å"O most pernicious woman! O villain, villain, smiling, dammed villain!† This is when, deep in thought, Hamlet realizes that his mother could have possibly taken part in his father’s death and he thinks she’s evil. In Hamlet’s head, everything makes sense now because it is now understandable how she got over the death so quickly. This is the first time that Hamlet realizes his mother’s true character. This is a very imperative notion about Gertrude’s personality because for her very own son to think a validation like this is extreme. Often times a man will love and defend his mother until the day he dies, while Hamlet, on the other hand, is thinking of her playing a role in his father’s death. When the ghost speaks of Gertrude’s speedy marriage, it provides more evidence of her shallowness. The King’s ghost says that she is â€Å"seeming virtuousâ₠¬ . He is basically saying that while she looks holy and righteous, she isn’t. 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